Wille Larsson

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︎ Photography

Posters for sale
︎  Wall of Art

︎  Kurppa Hosk

Wille Larsson
︎  Graphic Design
Ⓐ    Type Design 

︎  Kurppa Hosk

Posters for sale
︎  Wall of Art

︎  Email
︎  Instagram
︎  CV
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︎ Photography
My portfolio is currently out of date. I have new cases that I would love to share with you but I need time to set it all together. 

The type in blue is a new serif I’ve started working on. It’s called Lykta. 

36 Days of Type

These are the letters from my participated in the ninth edition of 36 Days of Type. 


Bruno Rodrigues and I were asked to create an eye-catching branding and visual language for Ãyo, a Swedish jewelery brand.

Our aim is to induce curiosity through the very first impression. With eye-catching visual language that hints towards heritage, contemporary and classic design.

We want the viewer to fill the shapes with their own experiences and inspirations, creating an interaction and a personal connection with ÃYO.

A minimalistic brand utilising tensions within the logotype and the typographic layouts to create dynamism within each brand touch point

Order grotesk

Order Grotesk is a neo-grotesk typeface in the works. This is my personal take on the modernist typographic credo. The pragmatic and unpersonal typographic approach toward creating striking layouts and compotisitions. 

Contrasts and proportions have aligned to set the stage for Order Grotesk to be used in all contexts, small and large.  

Mini Mono

Type design

When you look at a classic monspaced typeface they exude command-lines and black leather Matrix-coats. With a small name and a big personality, Mini Mono is designed to be remembered. To break free from the strict conventions of the mono-styled families and dare to be wonky.